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903.1 Community Use of School Facilities

Code No. 903.1

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The Board promotes the concept of school facilities serving as a center for community activities.  Therefore, groups or organizations in the community will be allowed to use school facilities when the following conditions are met:

1.     The use does not interfere with or interrupt the District's educational and activity programs.

2.     The use is consistent with state law and conforms to and complies with District policies, rules and regulations.

3.     The group or organization is responsible and will exercise care in the use of the facilities.

4.     The activity is constantly supervised by an adequate number of adult sponsors.

5.     Adult sponsors ensure compliance with Governor Reynolds’s current or future orders allowing facilities to open including: supervision of required capacity limits, supervision of required group size limits, supervision of required social distancing practices, and sanitization and hygiene requirements.

6.     No alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, substance paraphernalia, look-alike substances, tobacco or tobacco products are available or used on school grounds. 

7.     Animals are not brought onto District property without prior District approval.

8.     If a key/FOB is checked out by an adult sponsor, the sponsor shall not lend the key to any other person and shall be the first person to arrive and the last person to depart.  The key must be returned on the next business day.

9.     The activity is confined to the area designated, and no school equipment or supplies are used except as approved in advance.

10.  No District property shall be moved or rearranged without District approval.  All property of the organization must be immediately removed.  All trash shall be properly disposed of in accordance with District directions.

11.  A written Application and Agreement for use of Decorah Community School District Facilities and Equipment is executed and approval is received in advance through the Superintendent or its designee.

12.  Fees are paid in advance, if requested.

13.  The group or organization shall be responsible for paying for any damage or destruction to the school property.

14.  The group or organization shall indemnify and hold the District, its officers, employees, and agents harmless from any claims or charges arising from the actions or inactions of the group or organization.

15.  A liability insurance certificate is provided in advance, if requested.

16.  While the District may sponsor use by education-related organizations of the District's ICN room, the organization's mission must be consistent with the District's mission.  Organizations authorized to use the ICN room must ensure their use of the ICN room is consistent with their mission, that the ICN will not be used for profit-making ventures, and that they will not resell time on the ICN.  The organizations must follow the state scheduling requirements, as well as schedule the room through the District.

Code No. 903.1

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17.  It shall be the responsibility of the organization using the ICN room to originate, receive and broadcast programming in compliance with the law regarding authorized use of and content of the programming on the ICN.  The District assumes no responsibility or liability for organizations using the ICN room in violation of the law, District policies and rules and regulations.

A written application and agreement must be executed by the group or organization and approved by the Superintendent.  If the Superintendent denies the request, the group or organization may appeal by using the Complaint Procedure, starting at the Superintendent's level.  The Board reserves the right to disallow a use approved by the Superintendent and may withdraw approval.

Fees shall be charged for use of District facilities.  The fee schedule shall be established by the Board.


Date of Review: July 13, 2020 

Date of Revision: 

July 13, 2020





Legal References:

Chapter 99B, 123.46, Chapter 142D, 276.10, 278.1(1)(d), 279.8, 279.8A, 297.9, 297.10, 297.11, 721.2(5), Code of Iowa, 751 I.A.C. Chapter 7