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503.4 Assaults Against Employees

Code No. 503.4


A student who commits an assault against an employee shall be suspended and may be recommended for expulsion.  Requirements of federal and state law for students requiring special education shall be adhered to.  The principal shall determine whether the suspension shall be an in-school suspension or an out-of-school suspension based upon consideration of the seriousness of the assault, extenuating circumstances, and the student's prior disciplinary record.  Notice of the suspension shall be provided to the Superintendent and to the Board President.  The Board of Directors shall review the suspension to determine whether to hold a disciplinary hearing to determine whether or not to impose further sanctions against the student, which may be expulsion. 

"Assault" for purposes of this policy includes:

                1.        an act which is intended to cause pain or injury to, or which is intended to result in physical contact which will be insulting or offensive to another, coupled with the apparent ability to execute the act; or

                2.        any act which is intended to place another in fear of immediate physical contact which will be painful, injurious, insulting or offensive, coupled with the apparent ability to execute the act; or

                3.        intentionally pointing any firearm toward another or displaying in a threatening manner any dangerous weapon toward another.


Date of Last Review:  October 14, 2019

Date of Revision:

October 14, 2019








Legal References:

20 U.S.C. §1415; 123.47B,  279.8, 279.9A, 279.9B, 280.8, 280.9B, 280.14, 280.17B, 280.21, 280.21A, 280.21B, 280.22,  280.25, 280.26, 280.27, 282.3, 282.4, 282.5,  708.1,  Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. Chapters 6,  12, 36, 41, 102, 103