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205.2 Board Member Orientation and Services


Code No. 205.2


Board Member Orientation and Services

Individual Board members provide a vital public service to the school district by serving on a Board that is confronted by a dynamic array of issues challenging public education on the local, state and national levels.

It is in the best interests of the students and communities served by the District that Board members be provided with ongoing development opportunities on local, regional, state and national levels.  Board members are encouraged to participate in development programs at District expense whenever the program reasonably appears to be beneficial to the District's operations, and the Board approves the expenditure in advance.

Board members, the Superintendent, the Secretary and the Treasurer will assist each newly-elected or appointed Board member to understand the Board's functions, policies and procedures.  New members are encouraged to attend workshops designed specifically for the orientation of new members.  New members should seek orientation on the following areas:

1.         School-Community Relationships and General Responsibilities.

Explanations of:  (a) how Board meetings are conducted (notices, agenda, motions, seconds, minutes, petitions, complaint procedures, etc.); (b) the management structure of the District; (c) the Board's development activities; (d) the District's public relations program; (e) services and activities of various groups and unions; (f) Board policies and critical administrative rules and regulations.

2.         School Finance and Programs.

Explanations of:  (a) Iowa's school foundation plan; (b) the District's budget; (c) the District's enrollment trends; (d) recent scope and history of local tax levies; (e) outstanding indebtedness of the District; (f) the funding process for area education agencies; (g) approval and accrediting standards as required by state law and implemented by the Iowa Department of Education and the North Central Associations; (h) the District's overall educational and activities program, needs assessments, and evaluations; (i) the educational organization, including student groupings, shared services, etc.; (j) student achievement and testing; (k) programs for special needs students; (l) teacher-pupil ratios and class sizes; (m) the number, age and condition of facilities, equipment, instructional and media materials; (n) AEA services; (o) the District's meal programs.

3.         Employee Relations.

Explanations of:  (a) staff and recruitment patterns; (b) salary schedules, wages, and fringe benefits; (c) collective bargaining history; (d) the Board's role in employee contracting, evaluation and dismissal; (e) evaluation criteria and procedures; (f) staffing patterns; (g) affirmative action plans.

4.         District Facilities and Transportation.

Explanations of:  (a) the number, location, boundaries, age, and conditions of District facilities; (b) maintenance programs; (c) the District's transportation program.

Date of Review:  December 11, 2017

Date of Revision:

February 9, 2004                      



Legal References:


279.8, 279.32, 279.38A, Code of Iowa