602 Instructional Curriculum

602.01 School Organization

Code No. 602.1



The Decorah Community School District shall be organized into levels of instruction as follows:

            Elementary schools: the elementary schools shall consist of grades prekindergarten through 4.

            Middle school: the middle school shall consist of grades 5 through 8.

            Senior high school: the senior high school shall consist of grades 9 through l2.

The Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the superintendent, may revise the organizational structure.



Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:


April 9, 2018                           



Legal References:


256.11, 275.1, 279.39, 280.3, 280.14, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C., 12.3(9)                                                           



602.02 Curriculum

Code 602.2


The curriculum of the District shall:

  • fulfill the mission statement of the District.
  • reflect the educational and operational needs assessment of the District.
  • articulate (horizontally and vertically) courses of study from kindergarten through grade twelve.
  • identify standards, benchmarks, learning objectives, indicators of success, suggested activities, strategies, resources for each course, and, at the elementary and middle school levels, for each grade level.
  • provide for the assessment of the procedures and methods for achieving the benchmarks.
  • provide for objective monitoring and assessment of the students' progress.
  • provide for the needs of all students.
  • stress character qualities that will maintain a safe and orderly learning environment and that will ultimately equip students to be productive citizens.

The superintendent shall be responsible for curriculum development and for determining the most effective way for conducting research on the District's curriculum needs and attainment of goals and benchmarks.  Resource personnel will be asked to assist, and the superintendent shall appoint advisory committees as determined to be necessary.

The need for and value of a systematic, ongoing program of curriculum review, development and assessment is recognized.  The design, implementation and assessment of the curriculum will be consistent with the Board's stated curriculum goals and benchmarks and comprehensive school improvement plan.  The Board deems it essential that the District continually develop and modify its curriculum to meet changing needs.

While instructional differentiation is expected to occur to address the unique needs of specific students, instruction will be derived from a curriculum that is common to all students.  A primary consideration in all curriculum development, modification, implementation, and assessment shall be the establishment of an integrated, multi-disciplinary curriculum that conveys multiple learning simultaneously in order to maximize educational benefits.  It is the expectation of the District that learning will be enhanced by adherence to an integrated curriculum that promotes continuity and cumulative acquisition of skills and knowledge from grade to grade.

The curriculum shall reflect the best knowledge of the growth and development of learners and the content of the various disciplines.  The curriculum is designed to provide the District's expectations of what students are to learn.  The planned and written curriculum shall be taught to District students, and students shall be assessed based on the adopted written curriculum.  Administrators will work with the instructional staff to maintain consistency between the written curriculum and the delivery of the curriculum.

The District will establish written criteria for determining the effectiveness of the curriculum at District, grade level, and classroom levels.  Assessments will focus on determining the extent to which students are achieving and maintaining their mastery of appropriate specific learning outcomes and the extent to which educators are effectively conveying the curriculum in the classrooms.  The Board shall review objective data and other indicators of student achievement deemed relevant as a guideline for determining the effectiveness of the curriculum.

Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

May 10, 2004                           



Legal References:


256.11, 280.3, 280.12, 280.14, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5, 12.8,                                                                 




602.03 Use of Bicycles and Motor Vehicles

Code 602.3

Use of Bicycles and Motor Vehicles

The Board recognizes the convenience to families and students of having students ride bicycles or drive motor vehicles to and from school and parking at the school attendance centers.  Riding a bicycle and driving a motor vehicle to and from school and parking at the student's attendance center is a privilege.

Students may not loiter around nor be in their vehicles nor leave the school grounds in their vehicles during the school day without permission from the principal or its designee.

Students who wish to ride bicycles or drive to school and park at their school attendance center or a shared District’s attendance center for the purpose of attending extra-curricular activities shall comply with the rules and regulations established by the principal of their attendance center or by the District.  The Board may also contract with the City or County to enforce rules made pursuant to this policy.  Failure to comply with the rules shall be reason for suspension or revocation of school driving and parking privileges as well as other disciplinary action.

The Superintendent is authorized to complete the affidavit of necessity for a minor to obtain a school motor vehicle license.  The Superintendent, the Board members, and the District are not responsible for the actions or omissions of the minor which pertain to the use of the license or the operation of motor vehicles.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

August 11, 2014                       




Legal References:


279.8, 279.8A, Chapter 321, Code of Iowa; 761 I.A.C. 602.25, 602.26                                                           





602.04 Talented and Gifted Education

Code No. 602.4


Special instructional programs and supportive services, unique materials, learning settings, and other educational services and activities which differentiate, supplement, and support the standard educational program shall be provided to meet the needs of those students identified as possessing outstanding abilities who are capable of high performance and who require instruction and services beyond those provided by the regular educational program.  Learning activities shall provide for the development of advanced skills, introduce advanced concepts and offer students a greater latitude of inquiry.

Students shall be appraised and identified for participation in the District's talented and gifted program by use of systematic and uniform identification procedures developed in accordance with state law and rules and regulations of the Iowa Department of Education.  At least one objective data source and at least one subjective data source shall be used in the identification process. 


Dave of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

April 9, 2018                           



Legal References:


256.11, 257.42-44, 280.3, 280.14, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5(12), Chapter 59                                        



602.05 At-Risk Student Program

Code No. 602.5


The District shall provide special assistance to students who have difficulty mastering the language, academic, cultural and social skills necessary to reach their educational potential.  The District shall maintain a program which includes strategies for identifying at-risk students.  The District's program shall encourage and provide an opportunity for students at risk to achieve their potential and obtain their high school diplomas.  The District shall incorporate educational program goals for at-risk students into its comprehensive school improvement plan, including objectives, activities, cooperative arrangements with other service agencies and groups, and strategies for parental involvement.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

  May 10, 2004                         



Legal References:


256.11, 257.38-41, 279.51, 280.3, 280.14, 280.19, 280.19A, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5(13), 12.8, Chapter 60, Chapter 65, Chapter 66                            




602.06 Teaching About Religion

Code 602.6

Teaching About Religion

Since the contribution of religions to civilization is one of the crucial keys to understanding human history and development, the study of religious history and traditions should be part of the school curriculum and can play a vital role in enhancing an understanding among people of different religious backgrounds and beliefs.  Such study should give neither preferential nor derogatory treatment to any single religion or to religion in general, and should not be introduced or utilized for devotional purposes.  Furthermore, no religious belief or nonbelief should be promoted by the District or its employees and none shall be disparaged.  The District shall encourage all students and staff members to appreciate and respect each other's religious views and practices or lack thereof.

Criteria used to guide academic inquiry in the study of religion should seek the same objectivity and educational effectiveness expected in other areas of the curriculum.  In addition, materials and activities should be sensitive to America's pluralistic society and should educate rather than indoctrinate.  All instructional and other school-sponsored activities should meet the three-part test established by the Supreme Court to determine constitutionality:  (l) the activity must have a secular purpose; (2) the activity's principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion; and (3) the activity must not foster an excessive governmental entanglement with religion.

The historical and contemporary significance of religious holidays may be included in the program of education provided that such instruction is presented in an unbiased and objective manner.  The selection of holidays to be recognized or studied shall take into account major celebrations of several world religions, not just those of a single religion.  Holiday-related activities shall be educationally sound and sensitive to religious differences, and shall be selected carefully to avoid the excessive or unproductive use of school time.  Teachers shall be especially discerning in planning activities that are to take place immediately preceding or on a religious holiday.

Music, art, literature, and drama having religious themes (including traditional carols, seasonal songs, and classical music) shall be permitted if presented in an objective manner without sectarian indoctrination.  The emphasis on religious themes shall be only as extensive as necessary for a balanced and comprehensive study or presentation.  Religious content included in student performances shall be selected on the basis of its independent educational merit, and shall seek to give exposure to a variety of religious customs, beliefs, and forms of expression or lack thereof.  Holiday programs, parties, or performances shall not become religious celebrations or be used as a forum for religious worship, such as the devotional reading of sacred writings, or the recitations of prayers.  Student participation in a program or performance which involves personally offensive religious material or expression shall be voluntary.

The use of religious symbols (e.g. a cross, menorah, crescent, Star of David, lotus blossom, nativity scene, or other symbol that has religious significance) shall be permitted as a teaching aid, but only when such symbols are used temporarily and objectively to give educational information about an item associated with a particular religion. 

Expressions of belief or nonbelief initiated by individual students shall be permitted in composition, art forms, music, speech, and debate.  However, teachers may not require projects or activities which are indoctrinational or force students to contradict their personal religious beliefs or nonbeliefs.

District employees shall not participate in or arrange for religious invocations, benedictions or group-led prayers at school-sponsored activities.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

    January 10 , 2011                 



Legal References:


First Amendment to the United States Constitution; 256.11, 279.8, 280.3, 280.6, 280.14, 280.22, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5(6), 12.5(8)                                


602.07 Teaching of Controversial Issues; Academic Freedom

Code No. 602.7



For purposes of this policy, a "controversial issue" shall mean a topic of significant academic inquiry about which substantial groups of citizens of this community, state or nation hold sincere, conflicting points of view.  "Academic freedom" is the opportunity of educators and students to study, investigate, present, interpret, and discuss facts and ideas relevant to the curriculum and course being taught, giving consideration to the maturity level of the students.

It is the belief of the Board that when controversial issues are addressed in the educational program, such issues should be fairly presented in a spirit of honest academic freedom.  Students should recognize the validity of other points of view and should learn to formulate their own opinions based upon dispassionate, objective, unbiased study and discussion of the facts related to the controversy.

It shall be the policy of the District to encourage full discussion of controversial issues in a spirit of academic freedom that shows students that they have the right to disagree with the opinions of others, but that they also have the responsibility to base the disagreement on facts and to respect the right of others to hold conflicting opinions.

It shall be the responsibility of the instructor to present full and fair opportunity and means for students to study, consider, and discuss all sides of controversial issues, including, but not limited to, political philosophies.  It shall be the responsibility of the instructor to refrain from advocating partisan causes, sectarian religious views, or selfish propaganda of any kind through any classroom or school device.  Instructors may express their own personal opinions as long as students are made aware it is a personal opinion, that they may disagree without fear of reprisal or harassment, and so long as students are allowed to reach their own conclusions independently.

When controversial topics are addressed with speakers or special activities or programs, parents will be notified in advance.  Students will be told prior to the presentations the controversial nature of the issue(s) and the probable bias(es) of the presenter(s).  Alternative assignments will be provided for those students whose parents request that the students not participate.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

May 10, 2004                           



Legal References:


279.8, 280.14, Code of Iowa                                       





602.08 Global Education

Code No. 602.8



Because of our interdependence with other nations in the world, global education shall be incorporated into the educational program for grades kindergarten through twelve.  Global education shall promote understanding of the world community and the interdependency of its peoples and systems -- social, cultural, racial, economic, linguistic, technological and ecological.  Global education shall be provided so that students have the opportunity to acquire a perspective on world issues and problems and an awareness of the relationship between an individual's self-interest and the concerns of people elsewhere in the world.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

May 10, 2004                           



Legal References:


256.11, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5(11)                  




602.09 Health Education

Code No. 602.9


Students in grades kindergarten through twelve shall receive health instruction.  Health instruction shall include, as age appropriate, instruction about personal health, food and nutrition, environmental health, safety and survival skills, consumer health, family life, human growth and development, substance abuse and nonuse, emotional and social health, health resources, prevention and control of disease and the characteristics of communicable diseases, including acquired immune deficiency syndrome, domestic abuse, current crucial health issues, human sexuality, self-esteem, stress management, and interpersonal relationships.  Beginning no later than in middle school, characteristics and prevention of communicable diseases shall include information about sexually-transmitted diseases.

The administration shall annually provide parents and guardians with information about the human growth and development curriculum used in their child's grade level, the procedure for inspecting the instructional materials prior to their use, and of the parents' rights to request that their child be excused from the instruction.  A student shall not be required to take instruction in human growth and development if the student's parent or guardian files a written request with the principal that the student be excused from the instruction.  The student may be required to complete an alternative assignment.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

   January 10 , 2011                  



Legal References:


256.11, 279.50, 280.3, 280.7, 280.9B, 280.14, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5                                                 



602.10 Physical Education

Code No. 602.10


Students in grades kindergarten through twelve shall be required to participate in physical education courses unless they are properly excused upon written request by their parents or guardians.  Valid excuses shall include that the student is physically unable to participate due to illness or injury or the student has been exempted upon religious grounds.  The school may ask for medical documentation for certain long-term illnesses or injuries.  Other excuses may be granted for students as determined by the district in accordance with applicable law. 

Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

April 9, 2018                           




Legal References:


256.11, 280.3, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C., 12.5(2), 12.5(3)(f), 12.5(4)(f), 12.5(5)(f), 12.5(6)                     



602.11 Career Education

Code No. 602.11


The Board of Directors recognizes that a goal of its educational program is to motivate and assist students to choose from among many alternatives the directions they will take after high school.  The educational program shall:

  • ensure that instruction is relevant to real-life concerns of students.
  • provide students with opportunities to explore the knowledge, skills, technical requirements, working conditions, and political and social environments and responsibilities of various career fields.
  • provide guidance services to ensure that students gain help in assessing personal interests, aptitudes, and abilities, in making career choices, and in planning an appropriate educational program.

The District shall provide a kindergarten though grade twelve curriculum that incorporates the total concept of career education.  The curriculum shall allow students to prepare for the occupational fields of their choice by providing them knowledge and skills that will help them to obtain entry-level employment in jobs not requiring advanced training, and continue education and training in post-high school institutions or in business and industry.  The curriculum shall include consideration of the needs of society, awareness of self in relation to others, exploration of employment opportunities, experiences in personal decision-making and experiences of integrating work values and work skills into the students' lives.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

April 9, 2018                           




Legal References:


256.11, 256.18, 256.37, 256.39, 258.9, Chapter 258, 280.3, 280.9, 280.12, 280.14, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.5(7), Chapter 46, Chapter 49                                  



602.12 Citizenship

Code No. 602.12



As part of the educational program, students shall have an opportunity to learn about their rights, privileges, and responsibilities as citizens of this country, state and school district community.  As part of this learning opportunity, students shall be instructed in the elements of good citizenship and the desirable role citizens play in their country, state and school district communities.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

May 10, 2004                           



Legal References:


256.11, 256.18, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.3(6), 12.5