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600.2 Multi-Cultural, Gender Fair Program

Code No. 600.2



The District's educational program shall promote the understanding of and respect and appreciation for the cultural diversity of our society.  The educational program shall include consideration of the historical and contemporary contributions made by different racial and ethnic groups, by different religious groups, by persons with disabilities, and by other diverse cultural groups.

The District's educational program shall promote the understanding of and respect and appreciation for the historical and contemporary contributions made by both men and women to society.  The educational program shall reflect the wide variety of roles open to both men and women.

Prior to adoption of instructional materials, the materials shall be reviewed for stereotyping on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.  The District shall attempt to avoid purchasing or utilizing materials with such stereotyping.  Where such stereotyping exists in instructional materials, it shall be brought to the attention of the students, and supplementary materials shall be used to offset the stereotyping.

Staff development activities shall include methods of instruction on a multi-cultural, gender fair basis.

Multi-cultural approaches to the educational program are defined as those which foster knowledge of, and respect and appreciation for, the historical and contemporary contributions of diverse cultural groups, including race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, and socioeconomic background. The contributions and perspectives of Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, European Americans, and persons with disabilities, shall be incorporated into the educational program.

Gender fair approaches to the educational program are defined as approaches which foster knowledge of, and respect and appreciation for, the historical and contemporary contributions of women and men to society. The program shall reflect the wide variety of roles open to both women and men and which provide equal opportunity to both sexes.  The Middle School Principal or another administrator appointed by the Superintendent shall be designated as the District's compliance officer to monitor and evaluate compliance with this policy.  The multi-cultural, gender-fair educational activities and objectives shall be part of the District's comprehensive school improvement plan.  In updating the plan, input shall be received from parents, students, staff and community members, with input by men, women, minority groups and persons with disabilities.


Date of Review:  April 9, 2018


Date of Revision:

April 9, 2018                           



Legal References:


216.9, 256.11, 280.3, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.1(1), 12.5, 12.5(8), 12.7