804.5 Surveillance Systems


Code No. 804.5

Surveillance Systems

To the extent permitted by law, the District may utilize camera and other surveillance systems both inside and outside of school buildings to assist in maintaining a safe and secure educational environment, to assist in maintaining discipline, and to assist in protecting the District’s physical assets from theft and vandalism.  Prior to the installation of any surveillance system, approval shall be obtained from the superintendent, including approval of the location of the surveillance system, the persons responsible for monitoring the information captured, and the procedures for maintaining or destroying surveillance data.  No person may monitor any of the information captured without approval of the superintendent.

Surveillance cameras shall not be placed in restrooms or locker rooms or similar areas and to the extent possible shall not be placed so that surveillance is extended to neighbor’s private property.  Surveillance systems may extend to school parking areas that may capture persons in their private vehicles on school property.

Information obtained from surveillance systems may be utilized in student or employee disciplinary hearings or in criminal or civil actions in court, as permitted by law.

Persons should not rely upon the District’s surveillance systems to protect them or their property from criminal activity nor to detect other potentially unlawful actions. 

This policy shall not prevent an educational team from determining to utilize video or audio recording for purposes of educational programming for an individual or group of children.  However, such recording shall protect the privacy of the students.


Date of Review:  July 16, 2018


Date of Revision:

July 16, 2018                           



Legal References:


20 USC §1232g; 21.5, 21.7, 22.1, 22.7, 279.8,  Code of Iowa