802.3 Emergency Repairs


Code No. 802.3

Emergency Repairs

When an emergency arises in the maintenance or operation of any District property that directly affects the learning environment and/or safety and welfare of personnel and students, the following actions shall be taken:

            (l)        Insure the safety and welfare of the students.

            (2)       Insure the safety and welfare of the personnel.

(3)       Report such emergency condition to the appropriate administrator and/or maintenance staff for correction or to outside authorities.

When emergency repairs exceeding the competitive bid threshold are necessary in order to ensure the continued use of any school or school faculty, of any school, the Board may contract for such emergency repairs without advertising for bids.  The District must first procure a certificate from the area education agency administrator stating that such emergency repairs are necessary to prevent the closing of the school.


Date of Review:  July 16, 2018


Date of Revision:

July 16, 2018




Legal References:


Chapter 26, 279.8, 280.14, 297.8, Code of Iowa