505.2 Student Grade Placement


Students shall be assigned to grade levels by the building principal based upon their achievements and progress and based upon consultation with the instructional staff and the parents or guardians.

Promotion is the authorization for a student to progress from one grade level to the next higher grade level for the next school year.  Retention is the decision to retain a student in a grade level from one school year to the next school year.  Acceleration is the authorization for a student to progress from one grade level to another higher grade level during a school year or to progress from one grade level to another higher grade level which is higher than the next succeeding level at the end of a school year.

The assignment, promotion, retention or acceleration of a student is an individual matter, and the circumstances of each student shall be considered on their own merits and with regard to the best interests of the student.  The decision of the building principal is final.


Date of Last Review:  October 14, 2019

Date of Revision:

October 14, 2019 



Legal References:

279.8, 280.3, 280.14, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.3(6)